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There are a few considerations you should make if you’re seeking a Canada visa since they could impact the likelihood that your application will be accepted. Your application can be either refused or rejected. It’s crucial to distinguish between a refusal and a return: Failure to fulfil health, security, or criminal admissibility requirements, demonstrate sufficient financial resources, demonstrate sufficient purpose, present supporting documentation, or satisfy any other requirement will result in a refusal. On the other side, a return may be the consequence of incomplete or poorly completed applications or failing to sign your forms.

The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offers a letter explaining why your visa was rejected; however, the reasons mentioned in your letter may not always explain why it was denied.

Why your student visa could get rejected

There are a number of reasons why your Canadian student visa application could be rejected. In this section, we will explore some of the most common and unique reasons and provide you with advice on how to avoid them.

The Top Five Reasons for Student Visa Rejection:

Lacking Proof of Funds: One of the main reasons why visas are rejected is that applicants do not have enough proof that they can afford to study in Canada. Make sure you have documentation such as bank statements or letters from sponsors to prove that you have the necessary funds.
Poor Language Proficiency: Applicants who do not demonstrate strong language skills may be at risk for visa rejection. To increase your chances of being approved, make sure you take an English proficiency test and score well.
Wrong Type of Visa: Sometimes students apply for the wrong type of visa, which can result in a rejection. Make sure you research which type of visa is best suited for your needs and submit an application accordingly.
Incorrect Information: Sometimes applications are rejected due to incorrect information provided by the applicant. Be sure to double-check all the information on your application before submitting it, and ask someone else to review it as well.
Criminal History: If you have a criminal record, there is a good chance that your student visa will be denied. If this is the case, try contacting the embassy or consulate to see if there is any way you can still be admitted into Canada.

A point to note here is that there are some unique reasons for rejected applications for a student visa which include:

Lack of a letter of acceptance from a DLI (Designated Learning Institute)
Academic records that are inconsistent or incomplete
Selecting a curriculum that does not align to your prior education or experience
Unaccounted-for gaps in your education or experience
A large number of student permit applications remain pending.
Please ensure that the university you are applying to is registered with the Designated Learning Institution of Canada. If the visa officer who assessed your case does not establish a link between your selected course of study and your educational or professional history, they may reject your application. To resolve this kind of issue, make sure you explain why you chose the specific area of study in your personal statement.

Why your work visa could get rejected

In this section we will look at some of the reasons why a Canadian work visa might get rejected or denied.

Some of the common reasons include:

  • Lack of funds 
  • Incomplete documentation
  • Incorrect information
  • Poor language proficiency

In order to protect the Canadian workforce, there are a number of reasons why your work visa could get rejected.

You do not have enough experience or qualifications.
You do not have a job offer from a Canadian company.
You do not have enough ties to Canada: The consular officer reviewing your application will want to see that you have strong ties to Canada such as family, friends, or property. If you do not have any ties to Canada, your application is likely to be rejected.
You were previously deported from Canada: If you were previously deported from Canada, it is unlikely that you will receive approval for another Canadian work visa
Fraudulent Information: If it is discovered that you have provided fraudulent information on your visa application, your visa will be rejected immediately. This includes forged documents or false statements made about your employment or travel plans.
Security Concerns: There may be concerns about your safety or the safety of Canadians if you are granted a work visa. For this reason, border officials may choose to reject your application.
Previous Visa Refusals: If you have previously had a visa denied, there is a chance that your new application could be refused as well. In most cases, you will need to provide an explanation for why your previous visa was denied and how you have since addressed the issues raised in that application

There are several things you can do in order to increase your chances of having your visa approved, including:

Ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements set by CIC.
Provide accurate and complete information on your application form.
Have a valid passport and other required documents ready when you apply.
Make sure that you have sufficient funds to cover your expenses while in Canada.

The main reasons for visa rejection are:

Lack of Valid Documentation: One of the most common reasons for rejection is lack of valid documentation. You must provide all required documents when you submit your visa application. Make sure that you have copies of everything and that they are up-to-date.
Misrepresentation or Fraud: Another reason for visa rejection is misrepresentation or fraud. This happens when an applicant provides false information in order to obtain a visa. If caught, the applicant will likely be deported and may face criminal charges as well.
Inadmissibility: There are several grounds for inadmissibility, which include health issues, criminality, and security threats. If you fall into any of these categories, your visa application will likely be rejected.
Having an inadequate travel itinerary or not being able to prove that you have strong ties to Canada that will compel you to return home after your visit.

How to Avoid Visa Rejection:

There are several things you can do to increase your chances of having your Canadian visitor visa approved. Some key tips include:

Providing accurate and complete information on your application form;
Submitting all required documents with your application;
Providing detailed information about your travel itinerary and purpose of visit.
Meeting the eligibility criteria outlined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC);
Booking an appointment with a CIC consultant to discuss your case;

Why your investor visa could get rejected
The visa by investment programme in Canada is intended to bring in brilliant entrepreneurs, exceptional freelancers, and self-employed persons. The Startup Investor visa is really hard to get and some of the reasons why your investor visa might get denied are discussed below.

Lack of proficiency in English and French
You do not meet the eligibility requirements. In order to be eligible for a Canadian investor visa, you must be able to show that you have significant business experience and/or net worth.
You failed to provide all the required information. When submitting an investor visa application, you must provide all the requested documentation including proof of your net worth, etc. If you fail to do so, your application will likely be rejected.
Your investment plan is not realistic. The Canada Immigration Department will carefully review your proposed investment plan to make sure it is feasible and logical. If they believe that your investment plan is not credible or too risky, they will reject your application.
Security Risk: There is always a risk that someone applying for a Canadian investor visa may pose a security threat to Canada. This is why all applicants are screened closely before being approved. If you have any criminal history or links to terrorist organizations, your application will likely be rejected.
Misrepresentation: Making false statements or providing false documents on your investor visa application can lead to it getting rejected. This is because it shows that you are not honest and are trying to exploit the system. Always be truthful on your application form and make sure that all information provided is accurate.
Not meeting the required fundings – The minimum funding commitment required of 200 thousand canadian dollars from designated Venture Capitalists and 75 thousand canadian dollars from an Angel Investor.

Correct the initial mistakes and submit a reapplication form with proper and complete documentation. Seek professional advice and assistance and consider an appeal if the visa gets denied again. Ask for a proper explanation on why your Visa application got denied and try to go from there.

Get help from our experts here at NB Visa to get your visa application approved hassle free and in one go. Our experts are well versed and trained in Visa laws and regulations and can help you get your Visa application processed much faster.