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The Fast Track to a Second Citizenship:
Top 10 Visa by Investment Programs

What if we told you that living abroad is easier now than ever before? That long waiting times can be avoided and higher chances of citizenship and residency are possible abroad? Well, it is!

In recent years, a growing number of people have increasingly sought second citizenship or residence permits worldwide making countries other than India their home.  The surge in popularity is fueled by political and economic instability in various regions, coupled with the accumulation of wealth by high-net-worth individuals.

For Indian Gujaratis looking to diversify their options and gain valuable benefits, several countries offer attractive investment migration programs. Expert investment visa consultants in Ahmedabad can offer you the right advice for your choices. 

Here are some compelling options for Visa by investment:

Greece - The Gateway to Europe

Greece’s Golden Visa Program, established in 2013, allows investors to gain residency through a minimum real estate investment of €250,000. This program is top-rated among Indians, offering a pathway to European citizenship after 7 years. The low physical presence requirement of one day every two years, along with visa-free travel to Europe, UK, Singapore, and other countries, makes it an appealing option for Indian investors seeking European residency.

Spain - Real Estate for Residency

Do you have a keen eye for real estate? If yes, then Spain’s golden visa program grants residency rights through a real estate investment of €500,000. This program attracts investors from China, Russia, the Middle East, and the United States, providing visa-free access to the Schengen Area. Spain’s strong economy, excellent infrastructure, and high quality of life are mention worthy. This makes it an attractive destination for Indians seeking EU residency through real estate investment. A sound investment visa consultant in Ahmedabad such as NB Visa World can help you to identify and put your money in the right place.

Portugal - Affordable and Accessible

Portugal’s Golden Residence Permit Program offers residence through real estate or capital investment.  At a minimum investment of €350,000 in real estate you can enjoy a life of stability and opportunities in Portugal.  Portugal’s program provides visa-free access to the Schengen area, low minimum stay requirements, and a pathway to EU citizenship after 6 years, making it an attractive option for Indian investors.

Malta - EU Citizenship in the Mediterranean

Malta’s Individual Investor Program (MIIP) requires an investment of €650,000 in government bonds or real estate. Malta, known for its stability, security, and Mediterranean climate, offers EU citizenship within approximately 14 months. This program appeals to Indians due to its business-friendly environment, use of English, and access to high-quality healthcare. Investors can maintain their current citizenship while gaining EU citizenship through Malta.  Expert investment visa consultants at NB Visa World’s expert investment visa consultants can assist you in the investment as well as the application process to maximise your visa approval chances.

United States - The EB-5 Investor Visa

The EB-5 visa program is a popular choice for Indians seeking permanent residency in the United States. With an investment of $900,000 or $1.8 million, investors can obtain a green card by creating at least 10 full-time jobs. The program allows family sponsorship, educational opportunities, and the potential for U.S. citizenship after 5 years. The lower investment threshold and no language or business experience requirements make it an attractive option for Indian investors.

Canada - Immigrant Investor Program

Canada’s Immigrant Investor Program requires a minimum investment of CAD$1.2 million in a government-managed fund. Designed to attract foreign capital and business expertise, this program grants permanent residency to applicants and their families. With a stable economy and high quality of life, Canada provides an attractive option for Indian investors seeking permanent residency and potential citizenship. While filing your application, one must ensure to take the advice of good investment visa consultants to enhance their visa consent chances. 

Australia - Significant Investor Visa (SIV)

Australia’s SIV program requires an investment of AUD $5 million in complying investments for at least 4 years, providing a clear pathway to permanent residency and citizenship. With transparent requirements and decision timeframes, Australia appeals to Indian investors for its political and economic stability, diverse investment opportunities, and high quality of life.

United Kingdom - Low-Risk Investor Visa

The UK Tier 1 (Investor) visa requires a £2 million investment in government bonds, share capital, or loan capital, with the investment maintained for 5 years. The accelerated route to UK’s permanent residency and citizenship, along with access to excellent education and healthcare, makes it an attractive option for Indian investors seeking a low-risk investment migration program.

Singapore - Prestigious Global Investor Programme (GIP)

Singapore’s GIP requires a S$2.5 million investment in a new or existing business, providing permanent residence to the main applicant, spouse, and unmarried children under 21. With fast processing times, a high quality of life, and a business-friendly environment, Singapore’s GIP is a prestigious and efficient option for Indian investors.

Switzerland - Stable Residency through Lump Sum Taxation

Switzerland’s lump sum tax program offers a straightforward route to residency, with an upfront lump sum tax payment based on living expenses. This program, though relatively expensive, provides residency without the need for physical presence for a specific period. Switzerland’s stability, high quality of life, and privacy in banking make it an attractive destination for Indian high-net-worth individuals.

NB Visa World is an investment visa expert.  With the right guidance, we can assist you in navigating the complexities of investment visas.  Our experts will help you make informed decisions that align with your needs and circumstances.